How to Expand Marketing’s Role to Influence Materiality And Corporate Culture for Businesses
NextBound started with a belief it could close a common gap within most businesses – integrating brand, marketing, and corporate communications as one harmonized symphony serenading their marketplaces. The strategic need is significant. But most companies simply do...
An AI Sanity Check for Marketing
It’s happening again. Another technology hype train is steaming toward a business near you. This time, the hype is overflowing with AI. The current frenzy may feel like a runaway train, but this sanity check will reveal it is more of a bullet train with room for you...
Brand Basics: Crafting a Memorable & Consistent Brand Identity
The concept of “brand” is frequently misconstrued. Many reduce it to mere logos and color palettes, but it delves much deeper. It’s not just what meets the eye. A brand is interwoven with overt and subliminal perceptions, feelings, and reactions. As we explore...
8 Tips to Storyboard Impactful Messaging That’s Meaningful to Customers
Many moons ago, I was a young editor at three of the top daily newspapers in the United States – Newsday in New York City, the Oakland Tribune, and The San Francisco Chronicle. Although my career eventually veered toward marketing and PR, at the time I unfairly judged...